Open 365 days a year from dawn to dusk
Restrooms available weekdays from 8-5
The Wilson Botanical Gardens are set on six secluded acres in beautiful southwest Wilson, North Carolina. Come and delight in the dazzling displays of art (including whirligigs!), water features and plants alive with color. Visit our award winning Children's Secret Garden and our new, innovative STEM Garden. Adults and children can heighten their appreciation of how horticulture, gardening, landscape design and environment stewardship are linked to the land they inhabit.
Support for these gardens comes primarily from you! Your membership helps sustain the gardens and support educational programs for both children and adults.
Members of the Wilson Botanical Gardens receive numbers benefits such as discounted events, access to AHS gardens, special plant sale access, private tours and discounts at local nurseries. More importantly, your membership to the Wilson Botanical Gardens helps bring the joy of plants to the people of Wilson and the world.
Your membership matters. Our programs enrich the lives of each visitor and provide ongoing education for children and adults. Support the Gardens and your community by becoming a member.
Standard Benefits
Reduced or free admission to over 300 botanical gardens through the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Admissions Program
Discounted "Garden Talks" Workshops
Early Access to Plant Sales
10% off Garden event space rentals
Membership levels
Iris - $30 Standard Benefits
Azalea - $50 Standard Benefits
Holly - $100 - $499 Standard Benefits + 10% off plant sale purchases + private tour of Gardens with appointment
Camellia - $500 - $999 Standard Benefits + Holly Benefits
Oak - $1000 Standard Benefits + Camellia Benefits + lunch with the director by appointment
Donations for a memorial tree or bench to be placed in the gardens:
$250 - To have a tree planted in honor / memory of a loved one
$400 - For a commemorative bench
On line donations accepted.
To become a member or renew your current membership or to complete a donation, please send your name, address, city, state, zip, telephone, email address, and make checks payable to:
Wilson Botanical Gardens
1806 SW Goldsboro Street
Wilson , NC 27893
Contact Cyndi Lauderdale at 252-237-0113 or cklauder@ncsu.edu
Thank you for considering signing up or renewing your membership or donation. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps us continue our mission. Follow the instructions on our website to complete the process.